Renewing your 2025 membership?
Please follow this link to renew today! We will only be taking online membership signups online. Please contact us if you need assistance.
Why become a member of VicOS?
Meet other orchid lovers such as yourself. Socialize, get help from orchid experts, get advance notice of orchid events, go to monthly meetings to show some of your own orchids, a quarterly newsletter, and more! Members can buy and sell orchids at our meetings as well!

Membership fees are $30.00 for individuals, $40.00 for households.
The Society membership is per year, and fees are renewable at the start of the membership year. Meetings are held from monthly.
The Victoria Orchid Society Newsletter is published quarterly. Newsletters are sent by email to members subscribed to our email list, and are also available on our website.
Do you want a customized name tag? Order one for $9.00, or get a magnetized tag for $11.00.