Rules & Regulations

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Rules & Regulations – Victoria Orchid Show,
March 1-3, 2019

Exhibitor Information

    1. This show is by invitation only. Invited societies may exhibit in accordance with this schedule and exhibition rules. By placing an entry in this show, any exhibitor indicates his/her agreement to abide by these rules and regulations.
    2. Commercial vendors are requested to contribute a substantial stand-alone display in the show area. Individual vendors, particularly those offering non-plant items for sale, are encouraged to mount their own display but may be allowed to contribute a substantial number of items to their Society’s display. This will be strictly controlled by the show committee. Sales tables will be allocated on an as available basis.
    3. Entries will be received for registration Friday, March 1st. from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM with ribbon judging commencing at 1:00 PM
    4. There will be only one exhibitor class.
    5. Exhibit space must be reserved in advance. The deadline for reservations is February 4th, 2019. Please, consult the registration form.
    6. In this schedule, the word ‘plant’ also stands for any cut inflorescence.
    7. Each plant must have a registration tag (provided by the Victoria Orchid Society). If a plant is registered in more than one class, there must be a tag on that plant for each separate class. Please, write the tags clearly and remember that species’ names are in the lower case (C. mossiae) and hybrids’ names are in the upper case (C. Drumbeat ‘Triumph’ HCC/AOS); previous awards are part of a plant’s name and must be included on the registration tag. A named and registered orchid hybrid will be entered with its registered name; parents’ names are optional but must be entered for un-named hybrids. Registration tags will be available during registration and may be replaced by artistic labels for esthetic purposes after the ribbon judging is over.
    8. Each exhibitor will be assigned an exhibitor number after filling out the exhibitor information sheet. Registration personnel will also assist in giving out location letters for each exhibit.
    9. Diseased/damaged or infested plants may not be entered and the show chair may request their removal.
    10. No dyed flowers are permitted under any circumstances.
    11. All plants should be clean, correctly staked and watered well before exhibiting.
    12. A mericlone is not considered to be a seedling when flowering for the first time.
    13. Moss and foliage plants may be used in the displays; orchid flowers must be dominant. Sellers of non-orchid plants (e.g. bromeliads) must receive clearance from the show committee to display non-orchid flowers in their exhibits.
    14. Cut orchid flowers may be displayed separately or mixed with other potted orchid plants.
    15. Orchid Societies or several individuals may combine their entries in single exhibit.
    16. Entries for exhibits other than living orchids will be accepted on a space available basis.
    17. Late Entries will be accepted for display only; they will not be registered and will not be eligible for ribbon judging.
    18. The Victoria Orchid Society provides tables with skirting and some lighting. If electrical outlets are required by an exhibitor, please, indicate this on the registration form.
    19. No exhibit may be removed before 4 PM on Sunday, March 3, 2019 unless this has been agreed to in advance by the show chair
    20. The Victoria Orchid Society will exercise all reasonable caution in the care of plants, flowers and exhibited materials, but will assume no liability for loss or damage
    21. The show committee requests that NO SPORULATING FERNS or any plants, which can negatively affect the health of the orchid plants, be in displays or sales area.
    22. There will be no smoking in the show and sales rooms.
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Plant Sales

    1. All sales transactions, unless otherwise specified, on the show premises that are handled by the Victoria Orchid Society will be charged a 16% commission. Vendors wishing to handle their own sales may purchase tables for $175 per table. Those vendors are welcome to use the Society’s credit/debit card equipment for a 2% fee.
    2. The Victoria Orchid Society requests that all sellers include the required GST & PST, where applicable, in the sale price of their plants.
    3. Please use one label for the plant’s name and another one with the seller’s number and plant price.
    4. All prices must be rounded out to the nearest dollar.
    5. On site sales other than those approved by the Victoria Orchid Society will be considered a violation of the show rules and will result in forfeiture of exhibition/sales privileges.
    6. All sellers must be exhibitors of their own display or a substantial part of an orchid group display, (plants or cut flowers) or a reasonable artistic display of orchid-related items. Questions regarding this may be addressed to the show chair.
    7. Sales materials will be limited to orchid plants, companion plants, orchid related art and orchid growing aids.Orchid plants for sale:– Must have one legible name tag/label
      – Must have one separate tag with price and name or BCOC number of seller
      – Must be healthy, clean and either well established or bare-root
      – Must be free from pests and diseases

Unhealthy plants will be removed by the show chair.

  • There will be a plant hotel set up to keep purchases safely out of the exhibit area.
  • Sellers will not be allowed to remove their sales materials until after show is closed to the public, which will be at 4 PM on Sunday, March 3, 2019.
  • Price labels will be returned after the show. We suggest that the price should also be marked on the pot.
  • Hours of commissioned sales:
    Friday, March 1st., during the reception – 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM
    Saturday, March 2nd. public hours – 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    Sunday, March 3rd. public hours -11:30 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Take down will start at 4:00 PM Sunday, March 3rd. 2019.
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Judging Information

    1. This will be an American Orchid Society judged show.Friday, March 1st, 2019:
    2. Ribbon and Trophy Judging will begin at 1:00 PM. Please remember that only registered items are eligible for ribbons and trophies.
    3. At their discretion, the judges may:- Disqualify or re-classify plants or flowers that are entered or labeled incorrectly
      – Divide, combine, delete or add classes as necessary
      – Award more than one ribbon of the same color in a class
      – Withhold any ribbon or trophy
      – Award extra ribbons/rosettes as they see fit, after consulting with show chair
    4. Decision of the show chair is final.
    5. Cut flowers (full inflorescence) are to be considered equal to flowering plants, for judging purposes.
    6. In awarding trophies for “Best”, “Best” refers largely to flower quality.
    7. The ribbon judging in this show will be done by comparison. There will be one first (blue), one second (red) and one third (white) ribbon. Only in case of a tie, might there be more than one ribbon of any colour in a class. From the winners of the blue ribbons the trophy winners will be chosen.Saturday, March 2nd, 2019:
    8. A.O.S. Judges’ Luncheon will be at 12:00 noon.
    9. A.O.S. Judging will start at 1:00 PM.
    10. Only A.O.S. judges and other legitimate judging personnel will be allowed into the stage area during judging.
    11. All orchids in this show will be considered for A.O.S. judging. If you wish to emphasize your wish to have an orchid considered by the A.O.S. judges, please, inform the registration personnel in Writing! If you do not wish to have your orchid considered by the A.O.S. judges or the flowers have previously been exhibited at any A.O.S sanctioned function, the plant/flowers must be clearly marked: NOT FOR A.O.S JUDGING. (cards requesting special consideration will be provided).
    12. It must be understood that an administration fee is charged by the AOS for each award granted. The recipients of the awards will be instructed by the awarding AOS judges about the procedures.
    13. Any plant considered for a cultural award (CCM and CCE) must have been in the owner’s possession for a minimum of one year.

Anyone who wishes to observe the AOS judging may do so after arranging this with the Judging Chair.

Please take note that we expect you to abide by our rules.

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Don’t miss the Victoria Orchid Society’s

Annual April Orchid Auction

Monday April 22nd, 2019 – Gordon Head United Church Hall, Victoria BC

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